The DOG himself

The DOG himself
WELCOME to the HOME of all things TEAM NATE DOG! Here's a place we created to help keep you all updated on the progress of our little Nate Dog! As many of you know, Nate entered the hospital the day before Mother's Day of 2008 with severe bacterial meningitis. He suffered numerous strokes and many seizures which have resulted in significant brain damage. Since coming home, he has made remarkable progress and does day in and day out. We are very proud of our little fighter and here's a place we can ramble and ramble on and on (and on) about things to keep us motivated and of course updates on the DOG himself! Hope you enjoy, and we do LOVE feedback! Guest book is at the bottom of the page!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nate Day is 'round the corner!

Hey All,
long time no blog...
So, Nate Day at the Race Track ( is right around the corner.  For those of you following (not that there's been much to follow really since I suck at keeping up at this), we are having another fundraiser at the track Oct. 4.  It will be a lot like last year, probably not as crazy but hopefully more relaxed!  There will be racing of course, a silent auction, t-shirts, live music, raffle.  Hope those of you who can make it are excited because we all are at my house.
We still have tickets for the Harley Raffle, $50 per ticket for this sweet bike.

Winner does NOT need to be present (at the fundraiser) to win!

Also, we still have barstool racer tickets for $10.

Email me at for tickets.

Nate update....
Nate is super duper!  He's getting so big and if you can believe it, even cuter!  He is smiling, rolling over, occasionally putting weight into his legs, eating like a champ.  He's just a joy! 
Recently, we saw his neurologist and are going to try to back off his anti-seizure meds a little.  His seizures have decreased substantially, but he's very sleepy through the day and the combination of two of his meds could be to blame.  Of course, the hard part about backing off on the meds, is if he starts having more seizures again.  You just never know until you try I guess.  We are going down one tablet oftTopomax per week.  He used to get 5 in the morning and 5 at night, now we've got him down to 4 in the morning and 4 at night.  Seems to be ok now, we shall see.  It would be great to have him awake more!
He went through a phase where he was being VERY vocal.  It's like he was testing out how loud he could be.  But lately, he's not as vocal.  Maybe the novelty of make sounds has worn off, or maybe his brain is trying to focus on another mode of development right now.  Who knows, I try not to get down about it, but it's hard not to think that maybe something's wrong.  We thought maybe he had an ear infection, or sore throat.  Neither.  Maybe his implant wasn't working.  No, it's working.  So, who knows. 
He is going to his school 3 days a week now.  On Mondays and Fridays he has different therapies-- PT, OT, Feeding, Music, Aquatics, and Auditory.  Then Wednesdays he has "baby class".  I feel he gets so much more from his individual therapies, but the class part IS fun.  And very educational for me as a parent. 
Everyone at IDC just loves little Nater Tot.  I mean, who doesn't?  But, his girl who does his feeding and auditory training just told me she's moving in October.  She told me that she's gonna miss Nate the most.  I believe her.  She is just ga-ga over him.  We will miss her.
Here's a few new pics of Nate and the family for your enjoyment.  The wonderfully talented Amy Martin ( worked her magic once again!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!  We love you!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow.... oh whatever!!!!

Well, I should start this blog by saying sorry for not posting for such a long time, but I'm not. Honestly, the more time that passed and I hadn't posted, the more I knew it was going to take me forever to write this... so regretably I kept putting it off-- like so many other things in my life right now. So, those of you who check this blog regularly and have been wondering WHAT is taking so long to post or that I'm NOT posting anymore, relax... I'm here now.
Ok, maybe I'm a little sorry... I know you all like to hear about Nate's progress, so I'll try to be better.
Well, there is much to blog about so i'll just get going.
Nate is SUPER! He's getting really big now, he's going on 18 mos. next month, he's about 24 lbs. He's growing slowly but steadily, so that's great. He has 8 teeth now, they are not fully grow out yet, apparently the phenobarb causes slow tooth growing (I've been told). But they ARE there and they make his smile even that much better!
YES that's right-- his SMILE! Nater tot has been smiling for a while now! It's an adorable little half smile to the left side of his face, and it's a bit delayed (meaning that if you tickle his little fat foot, he smiles about 5 seconds or so after it), but it's no doubt a REAL smile! So, I feel so good that my precious little guy is actually responding and experience his world enjoyably! His favorite person is his daddy (of course), he smiles so good for him. Also, he LOVES Emi (and she adores him as well), so he smiles big for her too. I don't seem to bring out as many smiles, but occasionally he seems to enjoy my company. My favorite part of the day is when he wakes up in the morning and you walk into his room and he's laying there in his crib. You walk slowly over to it and peer over the top and without even saying anything or him even looking at you, he smiles. It's honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Also, here's a big one.... Nate has rolled over! Oh yeah...
He's done it numerous times. It's from his belly to his back so I'm sure gravity is involved quite a bit, and he doesn't really like to show off for anyone. But, he's definitely done it. I've SEEN him do it a few times, but usually it's one of those thing where you put him on his belly, walk into the kitchen to get something, come back out and there he is on his back! Little stud! We're very proud of him for doing this, it's a start for him to be a bit independent. Obviously he doesn't want to be on his belly, so he has figured out how to not be. I believe that him rolling from his back to his belly is the next thing he'll accomplish. He's very close to doing it, but that darn arm gets in the way. Also, when he's laying on his back he like to spin around. Somehow, he works himself around enough that his head will end up where his feet were and his feet are where his head was. I like to call it his breakdancing moves.... LOL! And he also lifts his leg (usually one at a time) in the air and points his toe. That's his version of ballet. It's very cute.
He's been putting more weight through his legs, not all the time, but occasionally you'll get a random push out of his legs. Usually, you have to stimulate it by pushing his legs up and down a few times. Next we'd like to get him to put a little weight into his arms and hands. He keeps them bent and hands to the face, or back of the hand to the face and elbow pointing straight up. So, he never really has to put any weight baring into his arms. But we're working on it, it should just take time. His PT (Mo) says she's happy that he's a lower toned kiddo because then she's not having to fight him by stretching him out although I think his does definitely have his moments of tightness through his arms. But once you stretch them out he loosens up.
We got a KidKart recently. It's a wheelchair/stroller. Basically, it's a stroller, but it has lots of customized support in it. Head support, trunk support, a butterfly harness across his chest and he sits with the bulk of his weight going through the hips (like when you sit in a chair). This is better than the reclining postion, because you don't put weight into any joint really when you lay back. Also, the base (which is the chair part) tilts back and forth, so if you want him to work on head control you sit him upright more. Then if he falls asleep, you can just tilt it back. There is also what's called an "up/down" base. This is what we keep in the house. We put the chair in it and it has hydrolics that makes him higher or lower to the ground. It's really nice. We feed him in it and then we can take it where ever when need to go and it's so much better than this huge travel system stroller I used before. I always felt weird about using the handicap placard and then whipping out a stroller. I thought maybe the little old people at Walmart were looking at me like I was faking the need for a handicap space just for rockstar parking. I often thought that maybe I should limp, just to justify it to someone who didn't know us. Because, when Nate's in his regular stroller, he just looks like a kiddo who's worn out and about to fall asleep. But with this new fancy KidKart, it looks more like a mobility device for someone with disabilities. So, anyway, we take this thing everywhere now. We took it to Worlds of Fun, the Royals game, restaurants... it's wonderful!
Also, we got a bath chair. It looks basically like a glorified lawn chair. It's as big as our bath tub, it reclines, the legs come up and bend. It has safety wedges on the sides and a strap to keep him in. It's all a mesh fabric with a rust proof frame, and it's fabulous! We got a detached shower head so now Nate gets showers instead of baths. We would have to fill the bath tub up all the way for Nate to "sit" in the water since the chair sits about 6 inches up off the floor. But I've always preferred showers anyway, I feel they get so much cleaner. Anyway, bathtime (or shower time) is now enjoyable. I got to the point where I HATED bathing Nate. I would avoid it like the plague! I justified not giving him a bath by just giving him a wipe down with a wipe. It was just TOO hard, he was slippery and you basically had to try to do everything one handed and since he's a growing boy, that's almost not possible anymore. This has made things soooooo much easier!
We wanted to do the hyperbaric chamber again this summer, but we just can't seem to figure out HOW. It's an hour away, an hour and a half in the chamber, then an hour home. And it's typically 40 treatments you do. Some people we met last summer would come for 4 weeks. They'd go twice a day into the chamber and then after a month they'd be done. We went once a day for 8 weeks. And the only time we could do it was at 1:00 pm. We would take Emi & Charlie with us and they'd just run around & play inside the building while either Craig or myself would be in the chamber with Nate. And since it was nearly 4 hours out of the day, that would practically negate going to the pool. So, we had the thought of going twice a day for a month and maybe our neighbor (who does daycare) could watch Emi & Charlie. But, the motivation to go do that isn't really there. I mean, we really believe that it's good for Nate to do this, it's just we're so busy and it's hard to get up the energy to do the oxygen treatments. We'd have to drop the kids off pretty early in the morning, and then after going into the chamber the first time, figure out what to do for 4 hours til the next "dive". Plus, then a whole month would be taken away from our daily fun with the kids. I don't know what to do. OH and also, Nate would have to miss school and his therapies for a whole month. What to do? I wish there was an easy answer...
We ARE planning to have a fundraiser again this October. Oct. 4, 2009 is the official date. It's going to be at the MidAmerica Motorplex again. We would like it to be even better than last year, so mark your calenders and hopefully join us for some drag racing and all around fun! Again, we plan to have a live music show after the races. Unfortunately, we couldn't snag a Saturday, so this will be on a Sunday again. I hope you all can make it and stay for the live show, it was so much fun last year and our boys from Push to Start are pinky sweared to be there!
Our big ticket item that we are planning to raffle off (drawing will be the day of the fundraiser) is a 2010 Harley Dyna Street Bob.

It's pretty SWEET! (This pic is actually a 2009, because the 2010 pics are not out yet but you get the idear!)

Raffle tickets are $100 a piece. We are keeping the sales of the tickets at 300 for better odds, so if you're interested please email us at and reserve you're self a ticket. Winner need NOT be present to win.
Can you imagine having yourself a brand new Harley for $100? And knowing that your money actually went to a good cause also? Good luck everyone and thank you for your support!
We are hoping to have a night at Fuel again this summer to sell some tickets as well.
Also, up for raffle in a custom built BARSTOOL RACER.

It's super fun.

It's kinda like a go-kart with a barstool for the seat. Those raffle tickets are $10 a piece. Let us know if you'd like one (or ten =).
We still are selling t-shirts/tank-tops and soon we'll have some pawprint totes with TND monogrammed on them... so cute!
We will be looking for auction items for the auction at the fundraiser. We had such a great time last year with that, but I do believe we'd like to keep the item number total down a little this year. But, if you have anything that you could donate that you think would be worth auctioning off please let us know!
Okay, so I think that about covers it for now (probably not but my fingers are tired and my brain hurts and my children are feeling neglected), so I better conclude this post for now.
Hope this post found you all happy, healthy and safe! I've missed writing these, I'll try to be better about keeping you all updated!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beauty is inspirational... so is determination.

As said in the title...
Beauty is inspirational... so is determination.
To those who know "beauty"-- however it is that you think of it-- you know what it is to look at something so beautiful, so exquisite (sp?), so unreal in it's significance that you can't help but stare.
But what about those of us who pass it by?
What about those of us who forget to look for it?
How bout those of us who even take it for granted?
I have a friend... who has a blog.  She has written of our family and our situation before.  I will be anominous in this post as to who this family is, although if they read this they will know EXACTLY who they are.  These are people, who I consider GREAT friends.  The woman especially, but the entire family brings a light into this world that is absolutely blinding. 
 Here's their story.
They have a daughter, let's call her Cass  (for Pete's sake, I'm trying!).  Anyway, after they have her, they decide to have another addition.  Problems occur.  Fertility issues.  No explaination.  Doctors, testing, procedures.... nothing.
They decide to adopt.
Not long into the adoption process, not long before the scheduled trip to meet their new little one, they discover they are pregnant. 
This, by the way, is during and shortly after the birth of Emi (7yrs. old). 
This, by the way, is in the wake of 9/11.
In 2002, the news comes that they are expecting as well as in the process of adoption.  Typical story as I've come to understand.  They are to go greet their A-girl (as this friend puts it) in Nov. or Dec. of '02.  They are due with the unexpected little one in Feb. '03.  Dad goes to get little Miss A.  During the trip, Mom delivers a still born little boy. 
Is that enough to break your heart?  Can you imagine the anticipation of greeting the child you've longed for at the EXACT same time you're grieving another child you've longed for?  I'm sure some can, but I digress.
Moving on....
Then in April of '03, Mom discovers that miraculously (lighting striking) that she's over 3 mos. pregnant.
Jeez...  Can you say Whiplash?
She delivers a healthy baby boy in Oct. '03.  So, their "little" family grew from 3 to 5 in less than a year. 
They decided they could give even more to another child.  Along comes another beautiful, adoptive daughter-- Miss J, less than one year younger than her big brother. (Maybe even less than I can remember)
You'd think they're set, they're done, they're busy enough....
Mom surfs around on familiar website for international adoption.  She find this little boy, who is on the "special needs" list.  Only because of a cleft palette, that's been worked on.  She see's beauty in him and she can't bear to "close" him off the screen.  Dad comes home and sees him and pretty much feels the same way.
Here comes #5!
Little C-Man joins the crew.
This family graces my life with their very being.  Every one of these children hug me when they see me.  Every one of this family lights up my day when I see them.  And I cannot even tell this story without telling you that every one of this family has given me something...  whether it's a picture they've drawn, brighter days when they smile, advice when it's needed most, inspiration when things seem their worst... the list could go on.
My point with this blog, is that no matter what YOU find beautiful in life... nothing compares to family.
Those amazing children whom this family took home ARE beautiful.  That little C-man, who was on the "special needs" list was so beautiful that his meant-to-be Mommy could not turn away.  Even when others would because he wasn't "PERFECT".
The aspiration this family had to keep going and build a family after tragedy struck and despair reared it's ugly head, is inspirational at it's least.
I have met many people in my life who struggle with infertility, some of those are dear friends.  But that in NO way means that you can't have a BEAUTIFUL family!  We all will get to the same place in the end... some of us just may take a different road.. the "Road Less Traveled".
My experiences in life are, by no means, UNTRAVELED.  But they are "Less Traveled". 
 I try each day to see the beauty in my life.
I strive to be a better mother, wife and person mainly because of stories like I've told in this post.  I want what I do to be important, not only to my own life but to those around me.  I'm inspired by these stories of overcoming the odds.  I'm inspired to help build the next generation, regardless of how it's achieved.
I look at struggles other have overcome and the blinding light that can shine through all that.
Everyone of us can make a difference, can make a life better, can leave a foot-print in the sand.... all if we think we are worth it.
As a mother, I spend most of my life doing things for others.  Not only in my "motherly" life, but also in my career.  I am always doing things to make OTHERS happy.  But the truth behind that, is that IS my life.  That's who I am.  So, because of these people I know who have struggled with situations I have not, I am determined to make the best of mine.  Craig will I'm sure be part of that with me. 
Sometimes when things look desperate or depressive, I would like to think that God has given me a different path to follow on my way to heaven.
Doesn't matter how I get there.... just that I do.
Love to you all!!!

Check out the Video...

About 30 seconds into the video (on the right), is the news story about our special day at MAM! Thank you all for being a part of such a wonderful event!


Grey hoodies, "TEAM NATE DOG" on front with our pawprint logo and
"Miracles seldom occur for those who do not believe them to be possible"
on back. The new price is $30.00. E-mail Crazy Aunt Carrie today for your order!
We still have TONS of childrens and adult small shirts from the fundraiser that are on sale for $10.00, the are AWESOME, get them for your kids, they will love them, and of course you will be supporting the foundation as well! KEEP ROCKIN' TEAM, we need your support, we are making miracles happen because of YOU!!!!!

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